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Friday, June 17, 2016

St. Francis of Assisi - June 17

Praises of God Most High

"You are beauty.
You are meekness.
You are our protector.
You are our guardian and defender. . ."
--St. Francis

Working in my garden brings God's beauty into focus for me.  The structure, texture, fragrance, and colors that come together in perfection never cease to amaze and delight me.  The fact that the flowering plants die each Autumn and come back to life each Spring after lying dormant under the earth emphasizes their willingness let the evergreens take center stage for a while.  The trees on our property offer protection from the hot sun and shelter to birds, and defend weaker plants from the strong winds we experience from time to time.  Even after the tree dies and falls to the ground it continues to shelter other animals that inhabit our woods.  I saw a fox the other morning near a thicket of dead branches and wondered if he'd made a den there.  Yes, God's creation shows His beauty and power.

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