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Saturday, February 13, 2016

St. Francis of Assisi - February 13

Lady Poverty as the Bride of the Canticle of Canticles

"While he lived in this valley of tears, the Blessed Father Francis spurned the poor riches of this world and, longing for what is higher, panted with all his heart after Lady Poverty.  And when he considered how she had been the constant companion of the Son of God, he abandoned everything of the world, wanting to bind her to himself with a chain of eternal love  He was enamored of her beauty; and in order to be intimately united to her as to a wife, so that the two of them would form one spirit, he not only abandoned his father and mother, but he distanced himself from all things  His Lady he held in a chaste embrace, and he was never, even for an hour, anything but a faithful spouse.  This, he said to his sons, is the way of perfection, this the pledge and earnest of eternal riches."  --Celano, Second Life, 55

Anyone who is married knows that it is absolutely necessary to "abandon" one's father and mother if their marriage is going to succeed.  This does not mean we must neglect them or no longer love and see them, but we must cut the cord that bound us to them when we were children so that this connection can be established with our spouse.  I think this is why mothers of the groom and bride cry at weddings.....they know this cutting of the cord must also happen from them.  Cutting the umbilical cord is only the first step in what is to come.  St. Francis knew that he could not marry because of his devotion to Lady Poverty for "she" represented his marriage to the Son of God.

As a child, even though I was not Catholic, I wanted to be a nun when I grew up.  I do not remember how I came to this conclusion since I did not even have Catholic friends, but looking back I know it must have appealed because of the devotion to God that it represented.  This is why it is so important to marry another believer because it is in your union that you will be able to devote yourselves to God as one.


  1. Love this post. It is so important and not told enough, the cords that bind us..and the release of them, non-threatening only with Love. Thanks..Love Merri
