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Saturday, July 16, 2016

St. Francis of Assisi - July 16

St. Francis and Solitude

"The Blessed and Venerable Father Francis wanted only to be taken up with God and to purify his spirit of the dust of the world which eventually clings to us in our daily association with others.  So he would periodically withdraw to a place of solitude and silence . . .  He would take with him a very few companions from among those more intimately associated with his inner life, so that they might keep people from visiting or disturbing him, and might lovingly and faithfully keep guard over his quiet."  --Celano, First Life, 91

The dust of the world that clings to us is anything that separates us from being in God and He in us.  Elijah could only hear God speak to him once the clamor of the world had died down.  Our own thoughts often compete for our attention.  Being still and listening in the quiet should be a part of every servant of Christ.


  1. This is true so true, but hard. I am in the midst of learning this right now......sometimes I can ...sometimes I cannot..but God brings me to the moments when there is nO ONE..but him. Afgter a life of doing for eveyrone else all the minutes of it...it is hard tos top, and listen, but therein is Heaven..I think, and sometimes I get a flimpse of it. Thank you..Love , merri
