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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

St. Francis of Assisi - July 26

Reaching Out to Others When We Are Sorely Tempted

"Once when the Lord Cardinal Leo of the Holy Cross asked St. Francis to spend some time with him in Rome, the saint chose a rather secluded tower that was divided into nine arched vaults that looked like little hermit cells.

The first night, after he'd been praying to God, he was just getting ready for bed, when the demons came and began a hostile attack upon the saint of God.  They assailed him so long and so vehemently that he was left as if half dead.  And when they left, and he finally got his breath back, Francis called to his companion, who was sleeping under one of the other vaulted arches.  And when he came, Francis said to him:  'Brother, I would like for you to stay here by me, because I am afraid to be alone.  Demons have just been beating me.'  The saint's voice was shaky and his whole body was trembling like someone in the grips of a violent fever.  And so St. Francis and his companion stayed awake talking all night." --Celano, Second Life, 119

When we are weak it is helpful to have a companion who is strong in the Lord.  Seeking help from such a one is not a failure of our faith, but rather a wise decision.

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