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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

St. Francis of Assisi - July 5

A Night Prayer

"How long, Yahweh, will you forget me?  For ever?
How long will you turn away your face from me?
How long must I nurse rebellion in my soul,
sorrow in my heart day and night?
How long is the enemy to domineer over me?
Look down, answer me, Yahweh my God!
Give light to my eyes or I shall fall into the sleep of death.

Or my foe will boast, 'I have overpowered him,'
and my enemy have the joy of seeing me stumble.
As for me, I trust in your faithful love, Yahweh.
Let my heart delight in your saving help,
let me sing to Yahweh for his generosity to me,
let me sing to the name of Yahweh the Most High!"
--St. Francis, Office of the Passion (Ps 13)

St. Francis begins his prayer as though he believes God has forgotten him, but that is not the case.  Instead, as he indicates in line three, it is the rebellion in his heart that is causing him to feel as though he's been abandoned.  This is what we must remember when we feel "outside" God.  We must sing, as St. Francis did by the end of his prayer, the praises of God!  Then our hearts will be restore to Him.

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