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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Do Not Forget the Lord

"When you have eaten your fill, take care that you do not forget the Lord."  -Deuteronomy 6:11-12

We rarely eat out but when we do I like to take photos of our food like the above from a restaurant while on vacation.  I can tell you that it tasted as good as it looks!  I feel very fortunate to be in a position to dine in such fine establishments occasionally.  In today's scripture God's people were being reminded they should not forget who brought them out of slavery, who has provided them with food and shelter, and all their other needs.  We mustn't be like a child who thinks that when you run out of money you just go to a machine and it gives you what you need, or when they are hungry you can get all the food you want at the store--it just shows up there.  The further removed from working the land ourselves the more likely we will forget that our life is sustained by our Creator God who brings the rain and the sun to grow our food, supply our water, and everything and everyone in between that allows it to show up on our dining tables.

I am grateful to have all the basic needs of life met as well as the extras that add enjoyment to my life.

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