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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Seek Multiple Witnesses

2 Corinthians 13:1

I had fun with this photo illustration!  I was having lunch with a son and daughter-in-love (I recently came across this new term for  daughter-in-law!) at a little British tea room in town.  It is run by an ex-pat and serves authentic British tea and recipes.  I was telling my companions about my new Blog and my need to find a scene I could photograph for today's message when all three of us noticed the mice on the mantle next to our table.  I rearranged the mice to present themselves to the Queen and had my photo for today!  Today's scriptures are about two different scenarios of the need for two or three witnesses.  The first and third concerns taking witnesses with you if you've confronted someone about their sin and they won't listen to you.  The second is about not condemning someone to death unless there are two or three witnesses to the crime.  What these scriptures say to me is that I should not rely merely on my own impression about something.  It goes along with seeking counsel from several sources.  It is far too easy for me to be prejudiced by my own weaknesses.  I might inadvertently embellish something because I've already interpreted it by my own preferences and opinions.  In my day-to-day dealings with people I really should give them the benefit of the doubt first when I see a behavior I think needs calling out.  I may be the one who takes offense too easily because it pushes some "guilt button" in me causing me to read something into their behavior that's just not there.  Only when there are others who can support my claim against the person, too, should I confront them--first privately, and then bringing the witnesses with me.