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The Fruit of the Spirit

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by Murray Bodo

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Monday, April 10, 2017

Disquieted Soul

"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength."  -Isaiah 30:15

Lilias Trotter wrote in her journal:  "The grass has to stand very still as it holds its precious "weight of glory"--and so has the soul on whom the dew of the Spirit comes.  Literally, as easily as this dew, His dew is brushed off--some of us know it to our cost.  An impulse of impatience, a sense of hurry or worry allowed to touch us, a mere movement of the self-life against His checking, and He is gone, and our soul stands stripped and bare.  Noiseless must be His Holy Habitation within us."

Oh, yes, I know what Lilias speaks of--the disquieting of the soul.  It comes when we least expect it for exactly that reason--we don't expect it because we got caught up in the activity of the mind and its agenda and lost the awareness of God in our soul and stopped paying attention to our ever-increasing agitation.  A walk in my garden or the woods always helps restore me to being present in the moment where God is ever present.  And in that moment I can hear His still, quiet voice in my heart where I can find peace.

I am grateful that even if I forget, He is only a thought away.

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