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2015 - "Three Little Words" by Terry Ferguson
The Fruit of the Spirit

2016 - "Through the Year with Francis of Assisi"
by Murray Bodo

2017 - Thanks-Living

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Being Light

"I am the Lord, I have called you to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness."  -Isaiah 42:6,7

A few Februarys ago we had a power outage that lasted more than two days.  We enjoyed the experience of cooking our dinner over the fire in the fireplace and eating by candlelight.  By the second evening it was getting a little old, as they say.  But that was because we knew how much better it was to have electricity to light our rooms, heat our house, and run the pump on our well.  Those in spiritual darkness do not have a better experience to compare their darkness to.  That is why we are called to help open their eyes to the fact that they are blind and being held captive by the darkness in which they move.  The best way is to BE the light of Christ in the world, then be available to speak the words of truth when God prompts you to.  He will make the world ready to listen.  Are you ready to speak?  But first, our lives must speak the light of Christ otherwise we will be seen as hypocrites.

I am grateful that God shows me my hypocritical ways so that I can humble myself and receive His grace to change.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I am so spoiled too.. so very spoiled. That is why I love the Navajo people so much.. they are so humble.. and love the right things. They love the sunshine, the mother earth, the trees, the rivers, the animals. horses, dogs and their hogan.. and fire to warm it...they are not spoiled. I long to stop being that hypocrite and just be so grateful for eat thing I have.. water out of the tap, a toilet inside. soap, a bed... on and on.. each small thing I think is small is monumental. in the world right now. .... we are opening our hearts to love. from GOD ..and yes, Him opening our eyes to appreciate His plan for us.. not our own. I am learning patience.. which is hard for me.. spoiled child that I am.. Thank you for reminders to allow God to show us the way.. and be grateful for all things, so we can receive more. Gratitude and love Merri
