"The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus."
-Romans 6:10-11
Lilias Trotter wrote: "Is it an act, or a gradual process, this 'putting off the old man'? It is both. It is a resolve taken once for all, but carried out in detail day by day. From the first hour that the layer of separation begins to form in the leaf-stalk, the leaf's fate is sealed: there is never a moment's reversal of the decision. Each day that follows is a steady carrying out of the plant purpose: 'this old leaf shall die, and the new leaf shall live.' So with your soul. Come to the decision once for all: 'Every known sin shall go--if there is a deliverance to be had, I will have it. 'Put the Cross of Christ, in its mysterious delivering power, irrevocably between you and sinning, and hold on there. That is your part, and you must do it.'"
I am grateful that my fate is sealed in Christ. There is no going back!
"This old leaf shall die---the new leaf shall live" Beautiful to witnesss! Thank you for the image! Merri