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2015 - "Three Little Words" by Terry Ferguson
The Fruit of the Spirit

2016 - "Through the Year with Francis of Assisi"
by Murray Bodo

2017 - Thanks-Living

Friday, December 8, 2017

Joy of Salvation

"Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit."  Psalm 51:12

Young children can experience moments of sheer joy as well as huge unhappiness, as evidenced by their tantrums.  For adults we are just as dependent sometimes on circumstances in determining our moods. But if we would just remember what Oswald Chambers and Pastor Zahnd have to say, we needn't experience joylessness at any time.

Oswald Chambers writes. . . .
Our repentance is merely the outcome of our personal realization of the Atonement which He has worked out for us.  "Christ Jesus . . .is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption."  When we realize that Christ is made all this to us, the boundless joy of God begins; wherever the joy of God is not present, the death sentence is at work.
This morning on Twitter I read this pastor's response to someone's questioning why God doesn't intervene in atrocities in our world. . . .
Because God allows all things. What atrocity does God not allow? The only Christian theodicy we can appeal to is that God is not exempt from the suffering of atrocity, but in Christ fully participates in it with us. Emmanuel. God with us. In Pain. In Death. In all things. --Brian Zahnd

I am grateful that I can find joy in my salvation knowing that God is with me in all things.


  1. I just love seeing Olivia .. having that child-like Trust in God, that He says all of us should have. God ie Good.. always going on into eternity , shows us that He is ever present. and it is us that need to wake up to the opposite seemings around us, as there is no opposite to GOD our ONE SOURCE, and he tells us that clearly to beocome as a little child before we can enter the kingdom of heaven.... to throw off the illusions that surround us of anything unlike God.. and really FEEL his power and presence.. in all we undertake each day.
    Prize winning photo of this abandon.. and Trust in Him and His ever present Light and Love..
