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Monday, December 18, 2017

Test of Loyalty

"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." -Genesis 50:20

In today's scripture Joseph is telling his brothers that God had intended his sojourn in Egypt for the purpose of saving them now from the famine back home.  In my photograph the gentleman on the left was born in January 1864.  His father had been married before but was a widower with no children when he went off to fight in the Civil War in 1862.  He was given a medical discharge from the Confederate Army the next year, came home and married again.  He died a few months before his only child was born--my greatgrandfather--the fellow in the photograph.  When I did my genealogy I found other instances in my family tree where circumstances decided whether I was to be born or not.

Oswald Chambers has this to say about circumstances. . . .
It is only the loyal soul who believes that God engineers circumstances.  We take such liberty with our circumstances, we do not believe God engineers them, although we say we do; we treat the things that happen as if they were engineered by men.  To be faithful in every circumstance means that we have only one loyalty, and that is to our Lord...If we learn to worship God in the trying circumstances, He will alter them in two seconds when He chooses....The idea is not that we do work for God, but that we are so loyal to Him that He can do His work through us.
I am grateful that God is in control--otherwise, this world would have no meaning and be unbearable.


  1. Yes , surely we are included in God , in his Spirit of love.. and people are the ones by their choices, who alter the plan of God ..that is why reading scripture gives us the good road where alterations are withing God, within His Plan for good for us.... and we stick on track then... amazing grace with expanded and boundless freedom in Christ.. which keeps me on track... with His will not mine.. thank you for this lovely story x
