Welcome Message (click on)

2015 - "Three Little Words" by Terry Ferguson
The Fruit of the Spirit

2016 - "Through the Year with Francis of Assisi"
by Murray Bodo

2017 - Thanks-Living

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Discipline Your Body

Because of machinery people in much of the world do not work as hard physically as they use to.  Consequently, our bodies need other forms of exercise, like recreational activities or gym memberships, to get the workout it needs.  But there are far too many of us who are overweight and not fit because we do not bother to take the time to eat right or move about.  Then there are the unhealthy choices we make with our bodies--smoking, drinking, drugs, sex outside of marriage. My body is my "earth suit" and if I don't take care of it I won't be able to fulfill my mission.