"...'No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him'--but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God."
-1 Corinthians 2:9-10
Lilias Trotter wrote: "More and more one sees that prayer is a quiet time for thinking out God's thoughts with Him and giving our 'Amen' in the Name of Jesus."
You may be wondering why I chose this picture to illustrate my point! What I see is a rabbit standing on top of a hand making a shadow puppet of a rabbit. Lilias believes that prayer is a "quiet time for thinking out God's thoughts with Him." Prayer is that time when the Spirit, having searched the "deep things of God," communicates them to us. My cloud formation illustrates that it is God's hand bringing the rabbit (that is on top of the hand) into being (by casting its shadow), and if we would but open our hearts to Him we would see what He is doing and make ourselves available to be part of the answer we are praying for.
I am grateful that I am able to see God in all things, and that if I look within my own heart the Spirit enables me to see things I cannot see with my eyes or hear with my ears so that I can pray 'Amen' in the name of Jesus.
I love this! I too have seen images that I feel are from GOD!