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2015 - "Three Little Words" by Terry Ferguson
The Fruit of the Spirit

2016 - "Through the Year with Francis of Assisi"
by Murray Bodo

2017 - Thanks-Living

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Famous Smile

"The prospect of the righteous is joy." -Proverbs 10:28

In today's Our Daily Bread Dave Branon, in writing about the Mona Lisa states, "More than 600 years after Leonardo captured this subject in oil, we still don't know if the lady was smiling or not."  He says that the word "smile" appears less than five times in scripture, but the attitude that leads to smiles---Joy---appears more than 250 times.

I love this photo of my granddaughter when she was a baby because not only her mouth is smiling but also her eyes.  She brought us much joy through her exuberance in all that she did.  But, unfortunately, the older she has gotten the less exuberant she's become.  This is life, though.  When we start to become aware that we are separate beings we begin to notice that we are no longer the center of attention.  This leads to some unpleasant encounters.  Being joyful no longer comes naturally.

But God has made a way for us to be the center of HIS attention through our relationship with His Son.  We are told that the "prospect of the righteous is joy."  We can find true Joy in Christ Jesus because we are made righteous in God's eyes.  It is up to us, however, to accept it and live by it in order to experience the Joy that can be found in doing so.

I am grateful that Joy can be found through Christ Jesus.


  1. OH what a beautiful child!!!!! Yes those eyes smiling for sure. It is interesting the attention we crave.. and if we turn to God we always have HIS undivided attention .. for he is EVER present. Joy surely in that realization .. holding that Truth close... we are the apple of our Father's eye.. Thank you for this b eautiful baby to look at...xx and rejoice in .xx
